We care for patients, not
pregnancy rates
Becoming a parent sometimes becomes a challenging journey filled with hope and at the end of it, endless joy!
Our goal
To be by your side on your journey that includes the most innovative medical treatments offered by FIVI’s distinguished medical staff, with compassion and care.

Becoming a parent sometimes becomes a challenging journey filled with hope and at the end of it, endless joy!
Our goal
To be by your side on your journey that includes the most innovative medical treatments offered by FIVI’s distinguished medical staff, with compassion and care.

We care
We treat every patient’s journey with sensitivity and respect. From the very first appointment, a relationship between the physician and the couple is built and the suitable, customized fertility treatment plan is designed.
We are committed to excellence
Excellence for us is linked to one thing: to focus on medical expertise, the latest technology and a customized plan based on the true needs of the couple to which we are driven by and committed to.

We are committed to excellence
Excellence for us is linked to one thing: to focus on medical expertise, the latest technology and a customized plan based on the true needs of the couple to which we are driven by and committed to.

We love Communicating
Open communication with you is extremely important for us. At Fivi, anxiety is replaced with relaxation and the focus is placed on achieving a successful pregnancy and delivering a healthy baby. Our experienced staff will work with you explaining every step of your treatment. You will have direct and personal consultation by them, discussing your results, explaining them in detail. This procedure takes time but for us this is how success is maximized!
Why choose FIVI
Success Rates
Patients travel great distances to be treated by our doctors, who have been recognized as leading practitioners and researchers in the field, as they ensure very high success rates in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).
We care for patients, not pregnancy rates
IVF is undoubtedly one of the most successful treatments for infertility. But, it is in our philosophy to exhaust all other methods, following the latest technology, before suggesting the IVF treatment. And we are proud that many of our patients get pregnant long before they get to the In Vitro Fertilization procedure.

Our Services