Preservation of Fertility

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Preservation of Fertility

Fertility preservation is the process of freezing eggs, sperm and embryos that can be stored and used at a later date.

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Preservation of Fertility

Embryo Cryopreservation

Of the embryos created during IVF, only a certain number is transferred to the uterus. If the surplus embryos are of good quality, they can be cryopreserved (frozen) for future use. Embryo cryopreservation occurs in liquid nitrogen at -196⁰C in special tanks, and pursuant to Greek Law they may be stored for up to 5 years. Subsequently, if not claimed, they are destroyed.

At FIVI, embryos may be frozen at various stages (between the 1st and 6th day following egg retrieval). The couple may utilize the cryopreserved embryos in a new attempt, and the woman will not have to be submitted to ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval, but only to monitoring and embryo transfer.

Freezing is not suitable for all embryos. It requires good quality embryos, in order to maximize the chances of survival after thawing.

The percentage of pregnancies achieved with cryopreserved embryos is now similar to those achieved with fresh. Embryo cryopreservation is an important decision for the couple and may only be undertaken with written consent. Furthermore, the couple must contact the Center once a year to renew the preservation period. To suspend cryopreservation, the written consent of at least one of the partners is required.

The method of embryo cryopreservation is considered safe internationally, since all studies with newborns born subsequent to cryopreservation do not reveal any statistically significant increase in congenital abnormalities.

Preservation of Fertility

Oocyte cryopreservation (egg freezing)

Our Center offers egg freezing with the latest cryopreservation technique, vitrification.

The possibility of egg freezing is recommended especially to women who are faced with the possibility of partial or total loss of ovarian function due to chemo- or radiation therapy.

Furthermore, knowing that women’s reproductive ability declines with age, the technique of egg freezing is also an option for younger women who, for social or personal reasons, wish to postpone having children until later in life.

Our Center offers egg freezing with
the latest cryopreservation technique, vitrification

Preservation of Fertility

Sperm cryopreservation

Sperm cryopreservation is recommended for the following reasons

For men with oligospermia with a noted gradual decrease of their sperm parameters

In cases of difficulty in sperm production

In cases where the man is absent on the day of egg retrieval

In cases of testicular biopsy

In cases where the man will be submitted to chemotherapy

Sperm can remain in cryopreservation for many years without losing its fertilizing ability.

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