My training
- 2020
Medical Department of Democritus University of Thrace
Postgraduate course with title “Human Reproduction’’
- 2010
University Institute IVI Center Valencia
Training in the new Cryopreservation method of embryos and oocytes “Vitrification”
- 1989-1990
General Clinic Thessaloniki
Trainee Embryologist in IVF Center
- 1988
Technological Educational Institution Thessaloniki, School of Health and Welfare Professions
- 2nd Hands-on Workshop on PGD, Embryo Biopsy & Vitrification, 29-30 March 2019, 1st Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, General Hospital “Papageorgiou” Thessaloniki.
- Training Course for Nikon Eclipse TE 300 & Nikon Diaphot Inverted microscope, Nikon Eclipse E200 Phase Contrast Microscope, Narishige micromanipulator system and Nikon SMZ 1500 stereoscope, 10 June 2017 Biotech Scientifics P.C.
- Human Oocytes and Embryos Vitrification Workshop ‘’The Cryotech Method’’ Endoscopiki S.A, 10 October 2014, Athens.
- Hands on Vitrification Workshop Kitazato – Dibimed, Biogenesis IVF, 10 March 2015, Thessaloniki.
- Vitrification System Hands-on Workshop Training Program, 9 December 2005, Athens.
- Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection: Basic and Clinical Aspects, 20-21 September 1996, Thessaloniki.

Care activity
- 2020
FIVI Fertility & IVF Center – European Interbalkan Medical Center
Clinical Embryologist
- 2006 – 2019
Biogenesis IVF Center Thessaloniki
Clinical Embryologist
- 1990-2006
General Clinic Thessaloniki
Clinical Embryologist at IVF Unit

Laboratory skills
- Ensuring the quality of operation of the laboratory according to the standards ISO 15224 and ISO 9001.
- Participation in the management of the equipment of the laboratories of embryology, spermatology and cryopreservation

- Exposure time to cryoprotectants influences oocyte survival rate.”, Nikos Tsagias,BasilTarlatzis, Efthalia Paggou, Thomai, Sanopoulou, Elisavet Xatchiioannou, Aleka Tokmakidou, Minas Arsenakis, Ioannis Bontis. Journal of Biological Research 5: 55-60, 2006.
- Blastocyst Embryo transfer: clinical results depending on technique and day of Embryotransfer : L.Zepeiridis, V.K.Tarlatzis, T.Sanopoulou,G.Gribizis, A.Tokmakidou, H.Bili, E.Paggou, G.Pados, G.Papadimas, I.Bontis 2nd Panhellenic Congress , Hellenic Fertility Society, Thessaloniki, December 2002, Free Announcements, pp. 49-50.
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Aristotelis Loufopoulos
Em. Professor of Obstetrics - Gynaecology,...

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Em. Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,...