My training
- 2017
IVI University of Valencia Spain
Master in Biotechnology and Embryology of Human Reproduction
- 2007
Sub specialty in Colposcopy and cervical pathology
- 2007
Specialty in Obstetrics – Gynaecology
- 2006
Training in Endoscopy (Laparoscopy/ hysteroscopy)
- 2004-2007
Specialty in Obstetrics-Gynecology
- 2000-2002
District Hospital Veria, Greece
Specialty in Obstetrics-Gynecology
- 1998-2000
District Hospital Veria , Greece
Specialty in general surgery
- 1994
Carol Davila, Bucharest RO
Medical School

Care activity
- 2020-
FIVI Fertility & IVF Center, European Interbalkan Medical Center
Scientific fellow
- 2010-2019
Embryolab Fertility Unit, Thessaloniki, Greece
Clinical fellow, Scientific director, board member
- 2008-2010
A’ Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Papageorgiou University Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece
Research fellow

Teaching activity
- 2008
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
PhD Medical school

- Member of the European Society for Human Reproduction (ESHRE)
- Member of the British and Hellenic Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (BSCCP and HSCCP)

- He has published scientific articles in Greek and international journals
FIVI’s Team
Meet our Specialists

Aristotelis Loufopoulos
Em. Professor of Obstetrics - Gynaecology,...

George Pantos
Em. Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,...